Laser Surgery
You may have a firm understanding of just how beneficial surgery can be for pets, from preventing unwanted pregnancies to easing painful conditions and even saving lives. Veterinary medicine has advanced to a point where surgery can be performed not with traditional scalpels, but with lasers. This latest technology allows for a smoother, easier surgery experience than ever before, and we're happy to offer cat and dog laser surgery here at Animal Oasis of the Rockies in Broomfield.
How does a Laser work? A laser is determined by the specific wavelength of light that it produces. The most commonly used surgical laser is a CO2 laser which produces an invisible beam of light that vaporizes the water normally found in the skin and other soft tissue. Because we can precisely control the laser, only a thin layer of tissue is removed, leaving the surrounding areas unaffected.
As a result of this progressive approach to surgery, your pet feels less pain post-operatively. The laser seals small blood vessels during surgery which allows your doctor to perform surgeries with extraordinary precision. This also speeds some procedures reducing the need for anesthesia. Â
Advantages Of Laser Surgery
There are times when pets must or should undergo some form of surgery. Your dog or cat may need spay or neuter surgery, exploratory surgery, dental surgery, orthopedic surgery, or internal emergency surgery to improve their health. As helpful as these procedures may be, they inevitably involve a certain amount of tissue damage, pain, and bleeding from the incisions. Large incisions from surgical scalpels can also require considerable recuperation time. Modern dog and cat laser surgery greatly reduces these side effects and consequences. Some advantages of this method include:
- Less tissue damage: Our CO2 laser can make finer incisions that any metal scalpel, vaporizing only the smallest amounts of tissue required. This leaves smaller post-surgical wounds for quicker, easier, and less painful recovery.
- Less bleeding: A surgical laser cauterizes the wounds that it makes, sealing off small blood vessels and reducing bleeding and bruising.
- Less nerve pain: Surgical lasers seal off nerves as well as blood vessels. As a result, your pet may experience less nerve pain or other neurological side effects from the surgery.
Our Veterinarian Provides State-of-the-Art Pet Laser Surgery
Our veterinarian, Dr. Huber, can tell you all about the technology and benefits of our CO2 surgical laser when you bring your pet in for a pre-operative evaluation. We keep you clued in on every phase of the proposed procedure while also making certain that your pet is a good candidate for surgery. All of your animal’s surgical and anesthetic procedures are performed with tremendous attention to detail from beginning to end. Once your pet is recuperating, we can offer medications and home care advice to enhance the amazingly speedy, smooth recovery made possible by pet laser surgery.
Masses Often Need Removal
Masses are sometimes removed from pets because there is a concern that they are cancerous. If they are, of course it's very important to get them off of your pet as quickly and thoroughly as possible. Many masses are benign, but they can still pose problems for your pet. They may itch or cause pain, leading your pet to scratch or dig at them, or even try to chew on them. This can lead to infection and other issues, all of which can be avoided by removing the mass itself.
Pet Surgery Offers Important Benefits
Along with reducing any infection risk from your pet digging at the mass, pet surgery can also help your pet feel better and keep a mass from continuing to grow. Benign masses can grow quite larger over time. The same is true for a cancerous mass. Additionally, some types of masses can start out benign and then turn into cancer over time. Anywhere your pet has grown a mass, our veterinarian will monitor it carefully and recommend pet surgery if the mass needs to be removed.
Our Animal Hospital Is The Right Choice
Some masses that require removal grow inside of your pet’s body. This is especially true if these masses are growing, or if they are not easy to identify in regard to whether or not they're cancerous. Internal masses can create problems for your pet's organs, and can spread throughout the chest or abdominal cavity. Contacting our animal hospital is the best way to get the help and support you need from a veterinarian who can give you sound advice about mass removal.
Specialized Surgery
Animal Oasis of the Rockies offers most major routine surgeries to include Neuters and Spays as well as more Specialized Surgeries such as; Cryptorchid (retained testicle), Foreign Body, Cystotomy (Bladder), Growth/Tumor Removals, Pyometra, Entropion and Ectropion Surgery, Scrotal Ablasions, and Corrective Nares Surgery. Please call for more information (303) 900-7765.